What to Know

Working with Our Interpreters?

As a consumer of interpreting services, it is important for you to know that Title 6, Article 1 of Colorado’s Consumer Protection Act declares that any person claiming to be a “sign language interpreter” in the course of business must possess current certification issued by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. (RID, Inc.). Failure to disclose a lack of national certification is a deceptive trade practice. This law’s objective is to protect consumers of sign language interpreting services–both Deaf and hearing–by mandating that practitioners have achieved minimum qualification standards.

Interpreter Prep Checklist

In order for an interpreter to do the best work for you,
PSLI, Inc. recommends that you provide them with as much prep material as possible.

  • A job description
  • Training materials
  • Class lecture outlines
  • An agenda or syllabus
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Information about the spelling of specific words or sign names
  • Any material that is useful or pertinent to that environment

PSLI, Inc. and its interpreters follow the 1st tenet of the CPC including prep material. Prep material is treated just like the interpreting communication, CONFIDENTIALLY! Prep can be emailed to our secure, encrypted email address at [email protected] and the scheduling coordinators will see to it that the information gets into the hands of the interpreter prior to the assignments. Items are then destroyed upon completion of the work.

Request an Interpreter

Fill out our form by clicking the button below!
