What to Know

Working with Our Interpreters?
As a consumer of interpreting services, it is essential to understand that Title 6, Article 1 of Colorado’s Consumer Protection Act states that anyone claiming to be a “sign language interpreter” in the course of their business must possess current
certification from the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. (RID, Inc.) and/or the Board of Evaluation for Interpreters (BEI). Failing to disclose a lack of national certification is considered a deceptive trade practice. This law aims to protect consumers of sign language interpreting services—both Deaf and hearing—by ensuring that interpreters meet minimum qualification standards.
Working with Our Interpreters?
To help interpreters provide the best service possible, PSLI, Inc. recommends that you supply them with as much preparatory material as you can.
This may include:
- Job descriptions
- Training materials
- Class lecture outlines
- Agendas or syllabi
- PowerPoint presentations
- Information related to the spelling of specific words or sign names
- Any other relevant materials
PSLI, Inc. and its interpreters adhere to the first tenet of the Code of Professional Conduct (CPC), which includes the handling of preparatory materials. All prep material is treated with the same confidentiality as the interpreting work. You can email any prep materials to our secure, encrypted email address at [email protected], and our scheduling coordinators will ensure the information reaches the interpreter before the assignment. All materials will be destroyed upon completion of the work.